Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastAddress *Including CityHome Phone Number *Cell Phone Number *Business Phone NumberEmail *Driver's LicensePet(s) NameFurther Identifying FeaturesBreed/Colour/SexWhy do you want a cat? *Are you interested in an indoor cat? *YesNoAre you interested in an indoor/outdoor cat? *YesNoAre you interested in an outdoor cat? *YesNoDo you Rent or Own? *RentOwnDo you live in a ... *HouseCondoApartmentDoes your apartment have a balcony? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf Yes, What floor is your apartment on?Is the balcony fully enclosed from top to bottom? *YesNoNot ApplicablePlease list family members residing in the home on a full time or part time basis (include all children's ages) *Do all adults currently living in your home agree with the adoption of this pet? *YesNoIs an adult home during the day? *YesNoDo cleaning personal or childcare workers visit regularly? *YesNoHave you had a pet before? (start with most recent)What type of pet was it?How long did you have the pet?What happened to the pet?If your pet died, what was the cause of death?How long has it been since you have had a pet?Do you currently have a pet?YesNoIf Yes, what is its name and type?If Yes, what is its nature and temperament? If you have or had a cat, what type of cat food and brand name did you or are you giving your pet?Specify if the food is dry or wetFor what time period would your cat or kitten be left alone to rest or wait for you? *What arrangements do you have for pet care while away on vacation? *Does anyone in your house suffer from animal allergies? *YesNoWhat would you do if someone in your house were to develop an allergy to animals? *Are you planning on declawing your cat(s)? *YesNoHave you considered the future cost of caring for your pet? (For example; Dental & Blood Work...) *Do you think you have sufficient income to meet the occasional extraordinary costs of caring for your pet? *YesNoIs there anything else you would like SAINT Rescue and Adoption to know about your home before we consider your application? *As time permits, we sometimes do home visits prior to adoption approval. Would you consent to this?YesNoVeterinarian Name *Veterinarian Address *Veterinarian Phone # *Name(s) of pets that visited the above vet *Permission to contact vet: *Yes, you have permission to contact my vetNo, you DO NOT have permission to contact my vetBy clicking "I Agree" you are verifying that all of the above information is correct and accurate. *I AgreeCommentSubmit